What Happens When There is a Medical Emergency on a Cruise Ship?

No one goes on a cruise expecting to receive medical treatment while onboard. However, what happens when the unexpected occurs on your cruise, and you find yourself needing a doctor? All major cruise lines have onboard medical facilities, and most cruise ships will have one or two doctors and up to four nurses onboard to treat passengers. Medical staff must meet certain training requirements; however, they do not need to be certified in the United States. The medical facility onboard typically contains several beds and a pharmacy. Medical equipment can include: wheelchairs, stretchers, EKG capability, cardiac monitors, lab capabilities for tests, and other equipment to gauge vital signs. The ship’s medical center is usually found on one of the lower decks. The doctors and nurses onboard can treat minor ailments and injuries, prescribe medicine, and assess and stabilize more serious medical conditions. However, they cannot care for passengers who are severely injured or have life-threatening conditions.
This was evident when a woman was recently airlifted while on her cruise, 25 miles off Galveston after suffering a medical emergency, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. The crew of the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Adventure of the Seas stated that a 51-year-old passenger was experiencing lower abdominal pain and possibly suffering from appendicitis. A Coast Guard Air Station Houston MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew diverted to conduct the medevac; the release stated. The helicopter crew landed on the cruise ship, took the passenger aboard and transported her to the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.
Getting Treatment for a Cruise Ship Medical Emergency:
Administer treatment and medication onboard. If your medical condition can be treated onboard, the medical staff will administer treatment and/or medication.
If your condition is contagious but not life-threatening, you may be quarantined so you don’t infect others. Ship staff will bring you food, beverages, medicine, and anything else you need. On a cruise ship, quarantine is taken very seriously. You’ll be instructed to stay in your cabin for a specified amount of time.
If your medical condition requires treatment at a hospital, the doctor will work with the ship’s captain to decide what to do. In some instances, the ship may change course to reach the next port, sooner so you can be treated on shore. You may have to pay out of pocket for treatment if you do not have travel insurance with emergency medical benefits. As the U.S. State Department notes, “many foreign medical facilities and providers require cash payment up front and do not accept U.S. insurance plans. Medicare does not provide coverage outside of the United States.”
If your medical emergency is urgent and life-threatening, you may require a medical evacuation to the nearest suitable medical facility. Medical evacuation by helicopter can cost tens of thousands of dollars, even up to six figures in certain parts of the world. An additional $25,000 to $30,000 on average can be anticipated, in addition once you are stabilized and ready to return home.
As cruise ship accident attorneys, we highly recommend passengers purchase travel insurance for their cruise. Many people do not realize that when they go on a cruise that takes them outside the United States, their health insurance will no longer cover them. What this means is that you will have to pay a doctor or local hospital upfront if you seek medical treatment for injuries. Let’s say you were injured while on the Jungle Zipline Adventure in Montego Bay, Jamaica. If you purchased travel insurance, you would be reimbursed for the cost of any medical treatment. Travel insurance will not only cover you in the event of a shore excursion injury, but it will also cover you if you have a serious injury at sea and have to be airlifted by helicopter. Travel insurance can be purchased through the cruise line, a travel agent, an independent broker or directly from the insurer.
The Miami-based cruise ship accident and maritime injury law firm of Delgado Trial Attorneys possess a skill set that few other maritime attorneys can claim. Raul’s extensive experience representing the cruise lines and developing their defense strategies years before they started representing the passengers and crew members that suffered injuries because of the cruise lines’ negligence. Combined with Raul Delgado, Sr.’s 45 years of personal injury experience fighting on behalf of injured accident victims, Delgado Trial Attorneys offers a combination of experience in all types of cruise ship personal injuries unlike any of their competitors. Our experience allows us to effectively strategize and advocate for every client we represent. We have handled all types of cruise ship passenger accidents over the years with a focus on slip, trip and falls, cruise ship medical malpractice, FlowRider accidents, sexual assaults, Death on the High Seas, and more. Contact our law firm today for a free case evaluation. Virtual sign-ups available. Visit https://cruiselawyermiami.com/ to learn more.