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They did what?! Check out our newest blog post on what Carnival Cruise Line was caught doing!
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Want to know the most dangerous areas on cruise ships from a cruise ship passenger injury attorney?
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Happy 4th of July to you and yours!🇺🇸 #4thofjuly #happyfourth #independenceday #Happy4thofJuly #miamicruiselawyers #delgadotrialattorneys ...
@RoyalCaribbean New Oasis Class Ship, Utopia of the Seas Coming Spring 2024. https://www.cruiselawyermiami.com/royal-caribbeans-new-oasis-class-ship-utopia-of-the-seas-coming-spring-2024/ #RCCL #OasisClass #UtopiaoftheSeas #LNG #cruiselawyersmiami #miamicruiseshiplawyers #delgadotrialattorneys ...
Norovirus Outbreak 🦠 Onboard Celebrity Cruise Summit Leaves More Than 175 Sick.
Visit our latest blog to learn more, and how you can protect yourself from contracting the norovirus on your next cruise.
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Changes Coming @portcanaveral Including $38M Project, Shifting Cruise Ships.
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📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10661 N. Kendall Drive
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Medics Take An Hour To Reach Injured Royal Caribbean Cruise Passenger Who Died While Waiting to Receive Care.
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📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10661 N. Kendall Drive
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We ❤️ hearing from our clients! Thank you for sharing your experience with us on AVVO! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #clienttestimonial #5Stars #AVVO #testimonial #reviews #maritime #personalinjury #maritimelawyers #miamicruiselawyers #royalcaribbean #RCCL #delgadotrialattorneys #lawyers #lawfirm
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10661 N Kendall Dr
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Miami, FL 33176
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The purpose of travel insurance is to cover the nonrefundable costs associated with your trip in case of an unforeseen event. Cruise vacations can be expensive and involve a great deal of planning. However, one thing many people don’t plan for is the unexpected.
Should You Purchase Travel Insurance When Going on a Cruise?
Learn more in our latest blog:
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📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
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U.S. Coast Guard Investigates Passenger Deaths on Antarctic Cruises.
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#VikingPolaris #WorldExplorer #MVPlancius #Antarctica #CoastGuard #NTSB #cruiseshiplawyer #personalinjury #miamicruiseshiplawyers #DelgadoTrialAttorneys #law #lawfirm #legal #cruiseshipnews
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
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FBI Opens Investigation Following 'Suspicious' Death of Carnival Cruise🛳Passenger.
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📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
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Cruise Ship Overboard Detection Systems: How Do They Work And Which Cruise Ships Have Them? 🛳
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📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
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FDA Warns American Cruise Lines of Legionnaires' Cases Onboard.🚢
Three past cases of Legionnaire's disease have been linked to @cruiseamerican vessels American Heritage and American Star. Though the cases occurred in 2021, according to the @fda the cruise line has not adequately addressed the situation.
People are most commonly infected with Legionnaire's by breathing in contaminated droplets of water produced by showerheads, water faucets and hot tubs. It is most dangerous to people older than 50.
Read more in our latest blog:
#legionnaires #LegionnairesDisease #AmericanCruiseLines #AmericanHeritage #AmericanStar #CDC #Norwegian #NCL #NorwegianPrima #cruiseshiplawyer #personalinjury #miamicruiseshiplawyers #DelgadoTrialAttorneys #law #lawfirm #legal #cruiseshipnews
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
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The personal injury attorneys at Delgado Trial Attorneys, possess a skill set that few competitors can claim. Raul Jr.’s years of experience representing the cruise lines and developing their defense strategies combined with Raul Delgado, Sr.’s 44 years of personal injury experience fighting for injured accident victims offers the full spectrum of insights which they employ on behalf of their clients. That’s why, Delgado Trial Attorneys offers a combination of experience in all types of cruise ship personal injuries unlike any of their competitors.
Our experience allows us to effectively strategize and advocate for every client we represent. We have handled all types of cruise ship passenger accidents over the years with a focus on slip, trip and falls, medical malpractice, FlowRider accidents, sexual assaults, Death on the High Seas, and more. No matter the client or the size of the case, we view every cruise ship personal injury client as important. We work hard to receive the maximum compensation possible for all clients.
#cruiseship #royalcaribbean #carnival #norwegian #silversea #princesscruises #cruiseshiplawyer #cruiseshippassengerattorney #miamicruiseshiplawyers #personalinjury #personalinjurylawyer #DelgadoTrialAttorneys #lawfirm
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
Suite 130
Miami, Florida 33176
📞(305) 596-7911
📱(305) 927-3678
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How the cruise industry has evolved in 5️⃣0️⃣ years- from traditional ocean liners to the next mega ship!🛳
▶️ https://www.travelagewest.com/Industry-Insight/Business-Features/How-the-Cruise-Industry-Has-Evolved-in-50-Years @travelagewest
#princesscruises #royalcaribbean #carnivalcruise #disneycruise #seabourncruise #crystalcruises #celebritycruises #oasisoftheseas #silversea #vikingrivercruise #mscmeraviglia #celebrityedge #aidanova #regentsevenseas #cruising #cruisetravel #cruiseship #cruiselife #cruise #cruisevacation ...
If you are pursuing a slip and fall claim, it’s important to understand what defenses you may come up against in your case. Property owners who are being sued in a premises liability case will do anything they can to either reduce liability for the incident or avoid it completely. Since most businesses, cruise lines, and property owners will have legal teams on their side, it is important that you, too, have the best case possible prepared to receive compensation for your injuries and damages.
Here are the Most Common Defenses in Slip, Trip and Fall Cases.
#cruiseship #slipandfall #slipandfallcase #cruiseshiplawyer #miamicruiseshiplawyers #DelgadoTrialAttorneys #lawfirm #legal #cruiseshipnews
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
Suite 130
Miami, Florida 33176
📞(305) 596-7911
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What Happens When There is a Medical Emergency on a Cruise Ship?🛳
#medicalemergency #medical #cruiseship #medicalmalpractice #galveston #galvestontx #royalcaribbean #RCCL #AdventureoftheSeas #cruiseshiplawyer #miamicruiseshiplawyers #DelgadoTrialAttorneys #law #lawfirm #legal #cruiseshipnews
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
Suite 130
Miami, Florida 33176
📞(305) 596-7911
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Helping Crime Victims Fight Back‼️
Being the victim of a violent crime is a terrifying and stressful experience, often leaving the innocent victim with scars that can be seen, as well as those that cannot. There is a wide range of crimes that are committed on the high seas, but the vast majority of the crimes that are reported to the US Department of Transportation involve cruise ship sexual assault.
Types of Cruise Ship Sexual Assault, include:
🛳 Passenger-on-Passenger Sexual Assault.
🛳 Passenger-on-Passenger Physical Assault & Batteries.
🛳 Sexual Assaults Involving Minors
Crewmember-on-Passenger Sexual Assault.
🛳 Crewmember-on-Crewmember Sexual Assaults.
🛳 Alcohol-Involved Sexual Assaults
Port of Call Sexual Assaults & Violent Crimes.
Know The Law⚖️ - Legal Duties & Strict Liability.
Unlike accident victims, crime victims that are physically and or mentally injured by cruise ship staff are entitled to pursue their case against the cruise line in strict liability. In practice, that means the cruise line is legally responsible for their crew’s crimes against a passenger.
In other words, the cruise ship employer cannot defend itself by claiming it had no way of knowing any better and is a critical tool made available to the victims to secure justice in the civil justice system.
#SkyPrincess #PrincessCruises #sexualassault #cruiseshipcrime #cruiseshiplawyer #miamicruiseshiplawyers #DelgadoTrialAttorneys
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
Suite 130
Miami, Florida 33176
📞(305) 596-7911
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Happy New Year!!! 🎉🎊 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ #miamicruiselawyers #happynewyear #newyearseve #delgadotrialattorneys ...
Merry Christmas🎄and Happy Holidays from all of us @miamicruiselawyers! #merrychristmas #happyholidays #holidayseason #besttimeoftheyear #delgadotrialattorneys #miamicruiselawyers ...
Happy Thanksgiving from Delgado Trial Attorneys!🦃🍁 #thanksgiving2022 #thanksgiving #miamicruiselawyers #delgadotrialattorneys ...
Multiple @norwegiancruiseline ship passengers were injured on Tuesday, November 8, after the gangway of the Norwegian Encore collapsed while docked in Panama City, Panama. Those injured are still receiving medical care, and authorities are investigating why the collapse occurred. Visit our latest blog to learn more...
▶️ https://www.cruiselawyermiami.com/gangway-collapses-on-norwegian-cruise-ship-injuring-multiple-passengers/
#Norwegian #norwegiancruiseline #NCL #gangway #gangwaycollapse #NorwegianEncore #delgado #miamicruiseshiplawyers #Panama #PanamaCity #cruiseshiplawyer #miamicruiseshiplawyers #cruiselawyermiami #DelgadoTrialAttorneys
If you need immediate assistance, call our office now.
📍Delgado Trial Attorneys
10631 N. Kendall Drive
Suite 130
Miami, Florida 33176
📞(305) 596-7911
📱(305) 927-3678
⚖️New Case +1 (877) 372-0817
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