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When their wake was too big

Miami WaveRunner accident attorney

Know the law

Tricks of
the Trade

Did you know, most jet ski and personal watercraft (PWC) accidents are caused by speeding, collisions with other watercrafts, operator error, defective jet skis, alcohol consumption, or the negligence of others?  Riders have little to protect them when it comes to accidents on the water. Jet ski riders are also at an increased risk of drowning.

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Personal Watercrafts: Jet Skis & Waverunners

Miami WaveRunner accident attorney

Weekend Warriors Need Training

WaveRunners, jet skis and PWCs are a popular way for tourists and visitors to our state to enjoy the water.  Whether rented from private businesses that advertise online or adventure outfitter companies, if the providers do not take proper precautions, they can be held liable for your injuries. 

Inexperienced riders should be provided a basic understanding of the applicable legal regulations and the basics of operating these fun but dangerous watercraft. On the other hand, the failure to verify a potential operator is trained and knowledgeable  of the basics of operating a PWC and the applicable regulations can result in the owner of the PWC being held legally liable for damage done by the inexperienced operator. Ultimately, liability for accidents involving PWCs turn on the circumstances surrounding the accident. 

Typical Injuries in PWC Accidents

Common injuries in jet ski or WaveRunner accidents include:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Concussions
  • Drowning
  • Fractures
  • Internal Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Death

Training Matters: know the basics

Since Florida has a high level of PWC accidents, the state has implemented stricter rules on their use, including how far away they must stay from another vessel, how fast they can go, and mandatory boating safety courses for operators under the age of 22. Florida state law requires a person must be at least 14 years old to operate a personal watercraft and must be at least 18 years old to rent a personal watercraft.

Depending on the model, a jet ski’s max speed can be anywhere from 40  to 70 MPH. In fact, according to the U.S. Coast Guard Accident Statistics, in recent years, 40 to 50 people die on jet skis every year. Additionally, there are 600-700 injuries reported related to jet ski accidents. While these types of personal watercrafts can be a thrill to ride, if you are involved in an accident on one, the injuries that result can be severe. 

Ask a Miami WaveRunner Accident Attorney: Who's at fault?

For one, the operator of the jet ski could be responsible for the accident, especially if the operator is driving the jet ski recklessly, performing spins, jumps or tricks, or is distracted and not paying attention to his or her surroundings. The jet ski operator could also be inexperienced, leading to the accident. The National Transportation Safety Board reported that inexperienced riders are responsible for 84 percent of all accidents involving personal watercrafts.

The manufacturer of the jet ski can also be held liable if the accident was caused from product defects or equipment malfunction. Additionally, many of the jet skis used in Florida waters are rented from a larger rental company. If the company does not maintain the equipment, routinely inspect it, and maintain the area in which the jet skis operate, the rental company may be responsible for the accident and resulting injuries.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a jet ski accident in Florida, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the following:
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Property damages
  • Wrongful death

Experience you can rely on

The maritime injury attorneys at Delgado Trial Attorneys  possess a skill set that few other maritime attorneys can claim. Specifically, their diverse professional experience including Raul G. Delgado II’s extensive experience defending insurance companies and the major cruise lines and preparing their trial strategies for years before beginning to represent accident victims in Florida and cruise ship passengers and crew members injured because of negligence. 

Coupled with Raul G. Delgado’s 44 years of personal injury experience fighting on behalf of injured accident victims throughout Florida, Delgado Trial Attorneys offers a combination of experience in all types of cruise ship personal injuries unlike any of their competitors.

This diverse experience allows our attorneys to effectively strategize and advocate for every client we represent. We have handled all types of cruise ship passenger accidents over the years with a focus on slip, trip and falls, medical malpracticeFlowRider accidents, sexual assaults, Death on the High Seas, and more. Contact our law firm today for a free case evaluation. Virtual sign-ups available.


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